Peter Chung

paints houses
to represent people 

Peter, born in Hong Kong and later establishing his career as an artist in Toronto in 1996, has a unique artistic vision deeply rooted in his background and experiences. As a founding member and former lecturer at the Hong Kong Institute of Visual Art, he brings a wealth of knowledge and creativity to his work. Peter’s works in advertising and oil painting have won numerous awards.

His artistic style, influenced by his background in graphic design and education in Hong Kong, is marked by vibrant colors, balanced compositions, and a profound thematic depth. Peter’s exploration of houses as representations of people is both visually compelling and thematically rich.

Peter’s representation of the concept of humanity through the depiction of houses is highly imaginative and symbolic. The house, serving as a metaphor for a protective shell, symbolizes people’s inner need for security and privacy. In his works, the small windows represent people’s eyes, while the absence of doors implies both the desire for and the constraints on privacy in modern society.

The two houses depicted in the painting represent lovers, expressing their intimate relationship and emotional bond. The varying sizes of the houses symbolize the relationships between family members and friends, suggesting harmony and mutual support.

The architectural elements of the houses form a stage where the narrative unfolds. The background, sometimes tumultuous and dark, suggests the inevitability of life’s challenges and the necessity of confronting them for personal growth. Alternatively, a peaceful backdrop reflects the tranquility and harmony achieved through resilience and love.

Shapes within the artwork carry additional layers of meaning: squares preserving memories, rectangles resembling diary pages, circles radiating positive energy from cherished moments, and elongated shapes symbolizing the passage of time spent together. The light that bathes the houses represents a divine blessing, celebrating enduring love and the fulfillment found in a life well-lived.

Peter’s work not only captivates the eye but also invites viewers to ponder the intricacies of human relationships, the passage of time, and the pursuit of harmony amidst life’s challenges. Through his masterful use of symbolism and composition, he creates a visual narrative that resonates deeply with audiences, inviting introspection and appreciation for the complexities of the human experience.

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The “Paths to Love” series offers a profound exploration of romantic relationships through its captivating visual metaphors. This artistic representation beautifully encapsulates the essence of companionship, portraying the deep layers of love, sacrifice, and mutual support that are foundational to lasting relationships.

The symbolism of one house protecting the other by employing a shadow is particularly evocative, illustrating the selflessness and dedication that partners often show towards each other. It’s a reminder of the importance of nurturing and safeguarding the bond shared with a loved one, even in the face of life’s challenges. 


Moreover, the perpetual light that shines upon these houses serves as a beacon of hope and joy, suggesting that despite the hardships, a relationship grounded in true love and mutual respect will always find its way back to happiness and fulfillment. 

The “Paths to Love” series, through its symbolic narrative, encourages viewers to reflect on the dynamics of their own relationships. It prompts a deeper appreciation for the protective measures we take for our loved ones and the light of joy and contentment that such love brings into our lives. It’s a celebration of love’s power to transcend the ordinary, turning everyday moments into a shared journey of joy and discovery.


是對關係的強烈的隱喻表現,強調保護、犧牲和真愛的回報等主題。 一棟房子遮蔽或保護另一棟房子的形像是一個強有力的視覺隱喻,說明了戀愛關係中的伴侶如何相互支持和保護。 房屋上閃耀的有益光芒象徵著維持愛與支持的關係所帶來的祝福和正面成果。 這可以解釋為雙方都致力於彼此福祉的關係所帶來的幸福、滿足和喜悅。 這是一種美麗而富有詩意的表現形式,可以引起許多人的共鳴,反映浪漫關係中的普遍價值觀和經驗。

(愛之路)系列透過迷人的視覺隱喻對浪漫關係進行了深刻的探索。 這種藝術表現形式完美地概括了陪伴的本質,描繪了深層的愛、犧牲和相互支持,這些都是持久關係的基礎。

一宮保護另一宮的象徵意義特別令人回味,說明了伴侶經常對彼此表現出的無私和奉獻精神。 它提醒我們,即使面對生活的挑戰,培養和維護與親人之間的連結也很重要。 這種保護行為可以被視為關係中個體優先考慮彼此幸福和福祉的各種方式的隱喻,從簡單的善意行為到重大犧牲。


(愛之路》系列透過其像徵性的敘事,鼓勵觀眾反思自己人際關係的動態。 它促使我們更加感激我們為所愛之人採取的保護措施,以及這種愛為我們的生活帶來的快樂和滿足之光。 這是對超越平凡的愛的力量的慶祝,將日常時刻變成共同的歡樂和發現之旅。


“Family Story,” brings an enchanting twist to the concept of family and community. By painting houses as symbols for family members, relatives, and friends, he creates a visual narrative that explores the relationships and bonds within a family unit. The varying sizes of the houses represent the diversity within a family, from the elders to the youngest members, each with their own unique characteristics and stories.

The proximity of the houses in his paintings suggests a strong sense of unity and togetherness, echoing the idea that families and communities thrive on closeness and mutual support. This artistic choice might also hint at the interconnectedness of lives within a community, where everyone plays a significant role in the collective well-being.

Peter’s work can be seen as a metaphor for the emotional and social structures that families and friends create to support one another. It’s a reminder of the beauty of staying connected and the strength found in unity. His series not only celebrates the concept of family and community but also encourages viewers to reflect on their own relationships and the bonds that tie them to others.

Through his innovative use of houses to represent people, Peter invites us into a world where architecture and human relationships intertwine, offering a fresh perspective on the traditional family portrait. It’s a heartwarming exploration of love, belonging, and the places we call home—both physically and metaphorically.


彼得把大大小小的房子画成家人,还有很多房子画成亲戚和朋友. 这些房子靠得很近,表明它们彼此和谐相处.






The concept of Yue Lao, or the Matchmaker, is deeply rooted in Chinese mythology and folklore. Yue Lao is often depicted as an devine being living on the moon ,with a kind and wise demeanor, responsible for bringing destined couples together through the use of a invisible magical red string, also known as the “String of Marriage.” This string connects the pinky fingers of the two individuals who are meant to be soul mates, regardless of the distance and  obstacles they may face.

The Matchmaker series  explores themes of destiny, love, and the interconnectedness of people’s lives through the lens of Chinese mythology. It may follow the journeys of individuals whose paths intertwine due to the workings of Yue Lao and the mysterious red string, ultimately leading them to discover the true meaning of love and fate.

Overall, the Matchmaker series offers a glimpse into the enduring allure of ancient myths and legends, while also exploring universal themes of romance and destiny that resonate with audiences worldwide.





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